The main purposes of an Air Conditioning system are to help maintain a good indoor air quality and provide thermal comfort.
Appropriate air filtration and care of your Air Conditioning system will result in a better air quality, a constant system efficiency and an increase of the longevity.
CoolSquad Air Conditioning provides a wide variety of AC Filters for all type of systems, from Standard size to specific custom size and Filtration Level that you need.
We help you make your air filter replacement quick and easy.
Most common used types of Air Filters are: Regular Fiber Glass, Pleated Filters from MERV 8 to 13 (Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value-MERV), Activated Carbon air filters to control intermittent odor problems, Electronic Filters and Air Purifiers.
The MERV rating of a filter describes the size of the holes in the filter that allow air to pass through. The higher the rating, the smaller the holes in the filter, the higher the efficiency
There are many factors that can determine when an air filter should be changed. How often the HVAC unit runs, air quality, humidity and other factors can vary greatly from application to application. For most 1” and 2” deep panel or pleated style filters, it is usually recommended to change the filter every 1-3 months. In many commercial and industrial applications static pressure can be monitored and the filters can be changed when they reach their recommended final resistance in inches of water gauge.
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